outdoor tools

How the Esker Hatchet Became Our Lifesaver on a Tough Ontario Hike: A Story of Reliability and Adventure

Esker Outdoors
Lake Superior Panorama

We wind and walk up a long, inclined trail towards an Ontario high point free of trees, our hearts set on the vast panorama of Lake Superior that awaits us. This trail, rugged and out of use, is not for the faint of heart. The landscape demands perseverance and resilience, qualities that the trail itself seems to embody. As we forge ahead, it’s sometimes necessary to slide out the little Esker Hatchet that’s tucked snugly in the back of my belt. This trusty tool becomes our ally, making the arduous path easier to navigate for future adventurers.

The Challenge of the Untamed Path

The trail before us is a tangled mess of overgrowth and fallen debris. Every few steps, we encounter obstacles—branches that have fallen across our path and thickets that have overgrown the trail. It is here, amid the rough terrain and wild beauty of Ontario, that the Esker Hatchet reveals its true worth. The hatchet, small yet formidable, transforms from a mere tool into an essential companion on our journey.

With each swing of the Esker Hatchet, the path clears. A tree is chopped from the trail here, a new blaze is marked to guide the way around blowdowns there. The Esker Hatchet, with its robust build and sharp edge, makes quick work of these tasks. It’s reassuring to have a tool that is not only dependable but also beautifully balanced—its weight and sharpness combine to make the work both efficient and enjoyable.

The Esker Hatchet: A Trusted Companion

As I axe out a young poplar tree blocking our footpath, I reflect on the contrast between our journey and that of the few people who tackle this lookout each summer. They must crawl over or navigate around the obstacles in their way, deprived of the luxury of a small, capable hatchet like ours. My mind wanders to the reasons why the Esker Hatchet is such a remarkable tool.

The face cover of the Esker Hatchet is a testament to its reliability. I trust that the sheath will stay securely in place as we hike, offering protection to the blade and peace of mind. The wood grain of the handle feels pleasing to the touch, a subtle reminder of the craftsmanship that went into its creation. The handle is short enough that, when tucked behind me, I scarcely notice its presence—it’s never in the way, yet always within reach when needed.

Most importantly, when it’s time to groom the trail, the head of the hatchet is thin enough to deliver sharp, deep strikes into the wood. Each swing is precise and effective, allowing us to clear obstacles swiftly and continue our ascent. The Esker Hatchet is not just a tool; it’s a source of confidence and efficiency on our journey.

Reaching the Summit and the Versatility of the Esker Hatchet

Hatchet at campsite

The reward for our effort is the breathtaking view of Lake Superior, its vast expanse shimmering under the summer sun. We’ve been paddling on this majestic lake all week, and now, as we stand at the summit, we take a moment to appreciate the beauty that surrounds us. We pick blueberries for tomorrow’s breakfast, savouring the fruits of our labour and the satisfaction of reaching this high point.

As we descend back to our campsite, we are met with a different kind of challenge—gathering firewood. The task of preparing for a campfire is both practical and comforting. In camp, my wife grabs the Esker Hatchet as I saw a few dry pieces of wood. I watch in admiration as she works her magic with the hatchet, making quick work of kindling. The axe slides effortlessly through the dry, knotty Balsam, and soon, a fire is burning brightly, with tea water bubbling away.

The Art of Gathering Kindling

Before you can build a roaring fire, you need to gather kindling. Kindling consists of small, dry materials that catch fire easily and help ignite larger pieces of wood. It’s the foundation upon which your fire is built, and having the right kindling makes all the difference.

  1. Finding Kindling in Canada: In the dense forests of Eastern Canada, look for dry twigs and small, dead branches from birch trees. Birch bark is also a superb natural fire starter due to its naturally occurring oils. In Western Canada, pine needles and small branches from coniferous trees are excellent for kindling. Their resinous properties make them catch fire quickly and burn hot.
  2. Finding Kindling in the USA: In the Northeastern USA, dry pine needles and small twigs from hardwoods like maple and oak work well. In the Southeastern USA, cedar and pine needles are ideal. The Southwestern USA offers sagebrush and small dry twigs, while in the Pacific Northwest, dry fir and cedar branches provide great kindling.

Using Your Esker Hatchet Efficiently

With the kindling gathered, it’s time to prepare the larger pieces of firewood. The Esker Hatchet, with its balanced weight and sharp edge, is perfect for this task. As I use the hatchet to split and chop, I notice how well it handles the job. The head of the hatchet is neither too thin to get stuck nor too blunt to be ineffective. It strikes a perfect balance, allowing us to process wood efficiently.

I take a piece of wood and stand it upright, ready to split it into manageable sizes. My first strike with the Esker Hatchet cracks the wood open, revealing its inner layers. The grain twists and turns around the branches, but with each swing, the hatchet reveals more of the wood’s character. Soon, we have a stack of kindling and firewood, ready to bring warmth to our campsite.

The Elegance of the Esker Hatchet

Hatchet at camp

As we sit by the fire, the Esker Hatchet leans against the stack of knotty, twisted spruce. It stands as a silent witness to the adventure and effort that brought us here. Each swing of the hatchet, each piece of wood split, tells a story of determination and camaraderie.

The Esker Hatchet has not only proven to be a reliable tool but also a symbol of the journey we’ve undertaken. It turns the simple act of gathering firewood into a graceful dance with nature, a poetic celebration of the raw beauty of the wilderness. In the flickering glow of the campfire, with the stars shining above and the warmth of the flames enveloping us, we reflect on the magic that the Esker Hatchet has brought into our lives.

Fire Safety and Awareness

Fire Safety

While the Esker Hatchet proves invaluable in gathering and processing firewood, it’s crucial to remain mindful of fire safety. Before you start a fire, always check for any local fire bans or restrictions. These regulations are put in place to prevent wildfires, especially during dry seasons or high-risk periods. Ignoring these bans can lead to severe consequences, including forest fires that threaten wildlife and communities.

  1. Checking for Fire Bans: Visit local government websites or contact local forestry offices to stay informed about fire bans in the area where you’re camping. Many regions have updated fire danger levels and restrictions based on current weather conditions.
  2. Understanding Restrictions: Pay attention to specific restrictions, such as the prohibition of open fires or limitations on the use of fire pits. Adhering to these guidelines helps protect the natural environment and ensures your safety.

Properly Extinguishing Your Campfire

Once you’ve enjoyed the warmth and comfort of your campfire, it’s essential to extinguish it properly to prevent accidental wildfires. Here’s how to ensure your fire is completely out:

  1. Let the Fire Burn Down: Allow the fire to burn down to ash if possible. This reduces the amount of residual heat and makes extinguishing easier.
  2. Douse with Water: Pour water over the fire, making sure to cover all the embers and ashes thoroughly. Stir the ashes with a stick to ensure that all embers are soaked. Be cautious of steam and hot water.
  3. Mix and Check: Mix the ashes and water thoroughly. After mixing, check for any remaining hot spots by carefully feeling the ashes with your hand (using a stick or glove). If they’re still warm, add more water and stir again.

Maintaining Your Esker Hatchet

Hatchet with Chaga

To ensure that your Esker Hatchet remains a steadfast companion on all your adventures, it requires proper care and maintenance. Here’s how to keep it in top condition:

  1. Sharpening: Regularly sharpen the axe to keep the edge effective. Use a sharpening stone or file to maintain a keen, clean edge. A sharp axe is not only more efficient but also safer, reducing the need for excessive force and minimizing the risk of glancing and
  2. Cleaning: After each trip, clean your Esker Hatchet to remove sap, dirt, and debris. Wipe the blade with a cloth to prevent rust and keep the axe in good working condition. A clean axe is a well-performing axe.
  3. Storage: Store your Esker Hatchet in a dry, sheltered place, and oil the blade to prevent rust. Use the sheath to protect the blade from damage and moisture. Proper storage ensures that your axe remains ready for action when you need it.
  4. Handle Care: Inspect the handle regularly for signs of wear, cracks, or splinters. Treat the wood with oil to prevent it from drying out and becoming brittle. A well-maintained handle ensures better control and comfort during use.
  5. Safety Checks: Before each use, inspect the axe for any signs of damage. Ensure that the head is securely attached to the handle. Regular safety checks help prevent accidents and ensure that the axe performs effectively.

Conclusion: As the embers of our campfire fade and the stars blanket the sky, we reflect on the journey we’ve undertaken. The Esker Hatchet has been more than just a tool; it’s been a lifeline, a symbol of our adventure through the rugged Ontario landscape. It has transformed every challenge into a moment of triumph and every task into a story of grace and utility.

From clearing a treacherous trail to preparing kindling and igniting our campfire, the Esker Hatchet has been a steadfast companion, embodying the spirit of our adventure. It stands as a testament to the delicate balance between craftsmanship and utility, turning the practical act of gathering firewood into a poetic dance with the wilderness.

In the quiet of the night, with the fire's glow casting long shadows and the gentle breeze whispering through the trees, we are reminded of the profound connection we share with nature. The Esker Hatchet, with its elegant form and unwavering performance, has not only made our journey possible but has also woven itself into the tapestry of our memories. As we drift to sleep beneath the starry sky, we do so with a sense of gratitude and awe for the adventures yet to come and the reliable friend that will accompany us through them.

Happy Trails.

- David Jackson